Brink takes place on the Ark, a man-made floating city that is on the brink of all-out civil war. Originally built as an experimental, self-sufficient and 100% u201Cgreenu201D habitat, the reported rapid rise of the Earthu2019s oceans has forced the Ark to become home to not only the original founders and their descendants but also to thousands of refugees. With tensions between the two groups growing, Security and Resistance forces are locked in a heated battle for control of the Ark. Which side will you choosennNot Just Another Hero u2013 Brinku2019s advanced player customization offers a near-endless combination of looks for your character u2013 allowing for the appearance of your character to be truly unique. As you pronnBrink takes place on the Ark, a man-made floating city that is on the brink of all-out civil war. Originally built as an experimental, self-sufficient and 100% u201Cgreenu201D habitat, the reported rapid rise of the Earthu2019s oceans has forced the.